Monday 24 October 2011

homework #3

If I were in charge of our school I would change the time schedule to 10.00am to 4.00pm because I think teens would function better on their natural sleeping patterns.As any parent of a teen knows, rousing an adolescent can be difficult. Grumpy and monosyllabic till later in the  day, it is best just to leave them alone.

Studies show that during teen years the body's circadian rhythem (sort of like an internal biologicl clock) is reset of a while, telling the person to fall asleep later and wake up later. The early start times in school go against the natural sleeping patterns of teens. A couple of missed hours of sleep may not seem like a big deal, but becomes a bad sleep deficit over time. This impacts everything from the ability to pay attention during class to the mood of students. I feel that students will benefit hugely if we make this small change.

I would also change the amount of tuter time per week. I think it would be better to have half an hour of tuter on a monday and none during the week. It would be possible to hand out all the notices and 'bond' with the other students in just half an hour. This would also provide more learning time for students and we would be more successful in what we are doing. As for whanau assembly we would still have them for 25 minutes, so we can catch up on what has been going on during the week.


  1. You need to add to this; I want 2-3 paragraphs.
    Also take the big link out of your paragraph.

    Good idea though, I would like more of a sleep in :)

  2. Still needs some work - make your paragraphs more defined by leaving a gap between them. Still some errors.
