Friday, 28 October 2011

homework- 2.11

Correct! "After that," she [said, "where] will we go?" = "After that," she [said, "where] will we go?"
You have now donated 1280 grains of rice.

Tuesday, 25 October 2011

homework #4 (holiday pic)

                                                     This is a picture me going horse riding.

Monday, 24 October 2011

homework #3

If I were in charge of our school I would change the time schedule to 10.00am to 4.00pm because I think teens would function better on their natural sleeping patterns.As any parent of a teen knows, rousing an adolescent can be difficult. Grumpy and monosyllabic till later in the  day, it is best just to leave them alone.

Studies show that during teen years the body's circadian rhythem (sort of like an internal biologicl clock) is reset of a while, telling the person to fall asleep later and wake up later. The early start times in school go against the natural sleeping patterns of teens. A couple of missed hours of sleep may not seem like a big deal, but becomes a bad sleep deficit over time. This impacts everything from the ability to pay attention during class to the mood of students. I feel that students will benefit hugely if we make this small change.

I would also change the amount of tuter time per week. I think it would be better to have half an hour of tuter on a monday and none during the week. It would be possible to hand out all the notices and 'bond' with the other students in just half an hour. This would also provide more learning time for students and we would be more successful in what we are doing. As for whanau assembly we would still have them for 25 minutes, so we can catch up on what has been going on during the week.

Tuesday, 4 October 2011

homework #2

Is the internet a dangerous place?
The intrnet has become a way for people to cause you harm and contact you with bad intensions. Organisations around the world are working to prevent this type of harm to coming to anyone using the internet. However, we must be aware of the possible dangers in the internet world...

A major down side to internet is cyber bullying. Cyber bullying is the use of the internet or other technologies to harm others. Unlike physical bullying, electronic bullies can remain anonymous using temporary email accounts, chat rooms, texting and other and other internet venues to mask their identity. Also, use of the internet is usualy unsupervised. Personal messages can only be veiwed by the sender and the recipient and the fact that teens know more about the modern technologies than their parents, they are able to hide that they are being bulied or are bullying someone themselves. 42% of teens have been bullied on line and only 58% have told their parents or an adult about their bullying experience. This behavior could be very harmfull, and we should watch out for this type of bullying also.

Another downside is cyberstalking. Cyberslalking is the use of the internet or any other electronic means to stalk or harass an individuel. A cyberstalker relies on the anonymity of the internet to allow them to stalk their victim without being detected. Most cyberstalking crimes are resolved by reporting the incident to the internet servise provider or the police. Cyberstalking is another reason to be cautious when on the internet.

I think that, if you are careful with what you but up on the internet and remember that antone can access it, then the internet should be safe. However, just one slip up could ruin everything.